Song of What I Hear

After a walk through the dawn of the days,
                           I rest at last,
after this very day of my fraught days,
one more day of constant resisted moments.
what could I abridge after all?
                                    Projects – difficulties;
                                   dreams – proofs…
everything under harmony and peace.
Still I have to brace myself with strength,
for the next battle.
And face it head on,
even if it is the last confrontation,
between the sun and the moon,
the river and the ocean,
       the rain and the naked soil.
I with the life
  for now,
I keep trying,
      staying up,
                               finding out;
and singing,
                      the song,
of a certain and definite end,
                                    but at least for now,
be the song from the end of the day:
                      “Once again I am parting,
    when will I return, I do not know.”