
I walked through the naked streets,
the city slept and the dawn lulled it to slumber. 
From one side,
the sound of the river’s waters,
                                               flowing off its monotony to the sea,
and that murky water reflected the moonlight on my tired face.
Crossing the bridge,
the tap dance of my paces were out of sync from the current’s tune. 
A truck passed,
  followed by another one,
and again the silence accompanied me. 
Walked and not yet exhausted,
despite what I still had to complete going back home. 
One pace,
              another one,
and on the streets of my neighborhood the silence was even deeper,
all the houses were asleep with their roofs dreaming to the night.
Sometimes a dog barked,
                                         and there,
instantaneously another one howled to the moon,
                                                                           and in this fashion,
the canine orchestra was formed;
a cat jumped upon a wall,                     
                                        and his meow clashed the concert. 
These were my tiny companions,
                                                    in a smaller night still. 
Now my paces seemed to be inside a vortex of vague thoughts;
I walked inside my own imagination,
                                                        my brain spanned. 
Then I sat on my bunk also small,
I could see the branches from the avocado tree through my window,
they appeared as if somewhat trying to relay a message
that I could not understand;
just like in life itself,
we can’t understand its minor refrain,
                                                          the simplest verse,
because we are always hectic complicating everything else…
My hound friend barked,
and that sounded sincere and familiar,
because by barking again she told me I was not alone.
        My tired body now rested upon my cot,
        my thoughts finally slept,
        and I roved just inside of a deep slumber
        normal and natural of all my nights.

 09/12/83 Rio